Professional climber and J. Athletics Ambassador Hannah Schubert takes you into her world today, the world of climbing. Her brother Jakob Schubert, multiple overall World Cup winner and world champion, is her great role model. Because of him, she started climbing and just like him, she wants to get on top of the world.
How it all started
"Climbing has always been completely fulfilled me".
Today I am 23 years old, two-time youth world champion and a member of the Austrian national climbing team.

I gained my first climbing experience in the club. It was clear relatively quickly that I had talent and so I was accepted into the Climbing Team Innsbruck, the team of the Innsbruck Alpine Club, at the age of 7. From then on I took part in competitions and it really started.
Having an older and very successful brother has always been an enormous support for me. He showed me how to master defeats, bad training sessions, injuries and all the hurdles that arise along the road, in the best possible way. Jakob was and is always a great role model for me. His approach, motivation and passion for climbing are contagious. If you watch him, you can see that he has a lot of fun climbing. His determination and discipline are also unique. All of this, and of course a little luck, is what you need to be really successful in climbing. Experiencing someone with this passion for climbing up close is not only fascinating, but also extremely motivating. I am eternally grateful to my big brother for that.

I have also achieved a lot so far! I am particularly proud of my 2 youth world championship titles in rope climbing in 2012 and 2014! I have also been on the podium at the European Youth Championships several times and made it into several World Cup finals. My best climbing experience for me was in the finals in Kranj (SLO) in 2018, where I climbed to my first World Cup podium.
The forced competition break caused by Corona was of course not very pleasant. However, Corona also had something good. Because as a professional climber you are mostly in halls or at least primarily climbing on artificial walls. That's why I used to be out on the rock very little.
Corona forced me to go climbing more outdoors. As a result, I became more aware of a completely different side of climbing again. No colorful handles mounted on artificial walls, but real rock, in the middle of the great outdoors. It has a completely different quality and is a very special experience. Many people use climbing to clear their heads and at the same time do something for their fitness. That is exactly what is particularly important in rock climbing.
"When I go rock climbing, I can really clear my head"

If you've already had some victories like me, then of course you still want to get back to competition as quickly as possible. The confidence that I've built from my success in the past is still there. I know I've made it to the top and I really want to go back there.
"Always remember what you've already achieved so far, never give up and do your thing!"
Negative thoughts have no place in climbing. They would disturb the body feeling that one needs as a climber. As with any sport, strength alone is no guarantee of success in climbing either. In addition to the mental aspects, you need a good coordinative ability, flexibility and endurance.

What will the Olympics bring?
Sport climbing will celebrate its Olympic premiere in Tokyo in 2021. Here the best men and women compete in the Olympic combination consisting of lead, bouldering and speed. Two athletes from each country could qualify. My brother Jakob and Jessica Pilz are participating for Austria.
Their chances? Hard to say. Due to the few competitions in the last few months, a real forecast is not really possible. The combination of 3 climbing disciplines that is held at the Olympic Games doesn't make it any easier to give a real tip. Still, I definitely count Jakob among the medal candidate. I hope I am not mistaken.
The next Olympic Games are already waiting for us in 2024. Hopefully I can start this trip together with Jakob.
Achievements Hannah Schubert
2012 Youth World and European Champion
2013 3rd place, European Youth Championship
2014 3rd place, European Youth Championship
2014 youth world champion
2016 Junior Vice World Champion
2018 3rd place, World Cup Kranj (SLO)
2018 8th place, home world championship Innsbruck